
Community Health Check-up / Free Health Check-up Camp

The community health screening programme will include the following components :

  1. Personal health history :

    Lifestyle practices e.g. smoking, drinking, exercise Existing medical problems

  2. Health measurements :

    Height, weight, body mass index Blood pressure.

  3. Laboratory tests :

    Blood sugar Total cholesterol.

  4. Counselling :

    Results of screening Health risk, if any Women will be advised to attend for cervical and breast cancer screening This Health Check-up programme will help to prevent severe disabilities arising from complication of diabetes, hypertension and heart disease.

Blood Donation Camps

Organizing blood donation camps is the perfect way to cater to the demand of blood. Everyone wants to contribute towards the society and save lives. You, as a camp organizer, are giving everyone a chance to do so. Organize these camps regularly and bring smiles to many faces.

Awareness on Adolescence

To create an awareness among the teachers about the need of guiding the adolescent girls at the time of their physical and psychological changes. help the adolescent girls to understand the physical and psychological changes they are undergoing and the scientific reasons behind the changes. Create awareness on various issues like child rights, trafficking of children, child abuse etc.

  • Main themes covered during the Adolescent Camps are
  1. Life Skills and Personal development
  2. Child Rights
  3. Health, Hygiene and Nutrients
  4. Gender equality
  5. Parts of the Human Body, Changes due to adolescent stage, Menstrual Hygiene, Reproductive process in Human
  6. Awareness on AIDS
  7. Sexual abuse and child trafficking
  8. Social awareness
  9. Yoga and Pranayama



De-addiction and Rehabilitation Centre

Incidence of drug abuse has increased to such an extent that it has become a serious threat and a dreaded disease. Drug addiction is extremely common, particularly among the youth. Commonly used intoxicants are alcohol, tobacco, opium, poppy-husk, smack, cannabis, heroin etc. Under the ill-effect of drug addiction, the health, economy and morality of entire society is being ruined. To educate the people about the harmful effects of drug-abuse and to treat and rehabilitate the addicted persons,
A team of field workers & specialists goes to villages to deliver lectures in schools, colleges & Gurdwaras to create awareness against drug addiction. Cases are identified and brought to the centre in its own vehicle. They are treated on OPD basis or are admitted as per the requirement of the case. They are kept here for two to four weeks and are provided free treatment, boarding and

lodging, till they are completely de-toxified. The family members of the cases are also involved in counseling sessions during their stay at the centre & thereafter. 
The refined addicts are kept on follow-up for six months to one year so that they do not relapse. During this period special care is taken to rehabilitate them in the main-stream society.

Free Eyes Check Up camps

Free Eye Check up camps are organized in Vadodara. These free eye camps are organized for poor patients. Most Of the people who attend the eye camp are of varying age group. These cataract operation are undertaken free of cost, Spectacles and medicines, if required, are distributed to most of the underprivileged for free after their eyes are checked.  

Counselling Centre
  • Provided pre-marital and marital counselling
  • Conducted counselling awareness programmes for schools/college students

  • Conducted one day training on counselling skills and guidance on application for women police personnel

  • Career guidance at schools/colleges

  • Workshops on adolescent reproductive health

Day-care centre for elderly persons

More than 50 aged persons are registered in this centre. They can come to the centre at any time convenient to them. They are served tea and snacks twice a day. Periodical medical check-up of all members is done and free medical aid is given where required. They take full advantage of the library. They are provided with all sorts of indoor games. Audio-video equipment in the form of television, CD and cassette players are available for their entertainment. They are regularly taken out to picnic spots and religious places.