Education Sector

Assistance to students

This project was also started for. Poor and deserving students from various schools are given scholarships, school books and stationery. Students excelling in studies and sports are given special prizes.

Computer Training Centre

Students are given training in type-writing and short-hand, basic computer courses such as MS Office, Designing, Accounts, Programming & Internet. Well furnished AC Lab with latest equipments and separate rooms for theory classes are available. Computers are updated as per the latest technology.

Vocational Training Centre

A Centre has been set up to impart vocational training to unemployed youth. The boys/girls are trained in the field of electric/electronic goods repair and maintenance. Flat machine training is also given.

Old Age Education Camp

Old Age Education Camps aims at extending educational options to those Old Age Education Camps, who have lost the opportunity and have crossed the age of formal education, but now feel a need for learning of any type, including literacy, basic education, skill development (Vocational Education) and equivalency. With the objective of promoting Old Age Education.

Special School for Mentally Challenged Children

Our special school teaches these mentally challenged children the skills they need to survive, grow, and progress in our society. who are provided with all kinds of facilities for education and development through donations. Each child is provided with vocational training programs and is also given tasks that suits his or her mental growth and taught as per their capacity. They are also facilitated with mid day meal, sports & exercise equipments and conveyance facility.

Education Support Program

Education is essential in breaking the cycle of hunger and poverty. It lays the foundation for sustained economic growth. These initiatives encourage and empower the minds and hearts of the future teachers, doctors, engineers and others, who will go on to influence their communities, nations, and ultimately, the world
